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HARPY is a lethal uav designed to detect, attack and destroy radar emitters. Harpy is a "Fire-and-Forget" all-weather, day/night autonomous weapon system, launched from a ground vehicle behind the battle zone or from ship based launchers.


HARPY effectively suppresses hostile SAM and radar sites for long duration, by detecting, attacking and destroying radar targets with a very high hit accuracy. 


HARPY provides the most effective solution to the hostile radar problem, at the lowest price. HARPY is in production, is already operational with several nations Air Forces, and is currently available.


Weighs 135 kg, 2.1 meter long, 2.7 meter span and with range of 500 km. It is sealed in its sealed launcher/container, to endure harsh battlefield conditions. It can be fueled or defueled in the launcher, therefore retaining its readiness at all time. The system uses periodical built-in test to maintain full readiness.  


The Harpy mission is planned and programmed in the battery ground control center, as an independent mission, or planned in accordance with other manned or unmanned systems. The drone flies autonomously enroute to its patrol area its radar seeker head constantly search for hostile radars. Once suspicious radar is acquired, Harpy compares the signal to the library of hostile emitters, and prioritizes the threat. If the target is verified, the drone enters an attack mode, as it transitions into a near vertical dive, homing on the signal. The drone is set to detonate its warhead just above the target, to generate the highest damage to the antennae, and surrounding facilities. If the radar is turned off before Harpy strikes, the drone can abort the attack and continue loitering. If no radar was spotted during the mission, the drone is programmed to self destruct over a designated area. Follow-on systems which are already proposed to foreign clients, are calling for a combination of seeker and killer drones that will enable visual identification and attack of targets even after they turn off their emitters.

“哈比”(Harpy)的任務在炮兵地面控制中心內(nèi)計劃和編制程序,在一個獨立任務期間,或與其它的有人操縱或無人操縱系統(tǒng)計劃相一致。無人飛行器飛行中自主到它的巡邏區(qū)域,它的雷達搜索頭不停地尋找敵方雷達。一但可疑的雷達被捕獲,“哈比”(Harpy)從內(nèi)建的敵方天線信號資料庫去對信號比較,而且優(yōu)先威脅次序。 如果目標被確認,無人飛行器進入一個攻擊模式,它過渡進入近似垂直俯沖之內(nèi),瞄準在信號源上。無人飛行器設定正好在目標上去引爆戰(zhàn)斗部,對天線和周圍設備造成最大傷害。如果雷達在“哈比”(Harpy)攻擊前關閉,無人飛行器能放棄攻擊和繼續(xù)空中巡邏。如果沒有在任務期間發(fā)現(xiàn)雷達,無人飛行器到一個被指定區(qū)域上按程序自毀。后繼系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)打算提供給國外客戶,需要組合無人機的導引裝置和殺傷裝置,將賦與可視識別和甚至在它們關閉它們的天線后攻擊目標。



Harpy Delivered to Turkey

In a deal dating back to 1999, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) have taken delivery of a number on Harpy lethal unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd. (IAI). The exact number is unknown, but reports suggest that more than 100 lethal UAVs were delivered. 

IAI's MBT Division develop and produce the Harpy system, which is an attack UAV used in the suppression of enemy aerial defences (SEAD) role. It is a ‘Fire-and-Forget' all-weather, day/night autonomous weapon system, launched from a ground vehicle mainly against hostile radar emitters, amongst others. 

In June 1999 MBT and Raytheon Missile Systems teamed to market the more advanced Combat UAV Target Locate and Strike System (CUTLASS), based on the proven Harpy's UAV type airframe. 

Harpy is currently operational with several Air Forces globally.





Harpy Delivered to India

According to media reports, the Indian army has purchased a number of the armed Harpy drone, produced by Israel Aircraft Industries.



標簽:??以色列“哈比”(Harpy)無人機 無人機 世界無人機





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